Hilsa In Tender Coconut Gravy

Malai Ilish
Ilish malai is not a regular Ilish recipe. In fact tender coconut malai usually not use in Ilish recipe. I had a tender coconut at home, in which malai was there, so thought of making this unique recipe using the Malai. In this recipe, Tender coconut flesh is the key ingredient, along with little yellow mustard paste & freshly homemade curd. In all my Ilish recipe, I prefer to use Raw ilish, as I do belive frying ilish is actually ruin the original taste of the fish. I slightly saute ilish only if I prepare Ilish Pulao, and deep fry if I wish to have 'Bhaja Ilish along with Macher Tel'. If you don't fry or saute ilish, it will give the fish melt in mouth texture. And specially in this recipe, the malai and the raw ilish went so well, it will make you to lick your fingers till end.
Ingredients for Malai Ilish
Preperation steps for Malai Ilish
Take the fish, slightly wash under tap water, and keep aside. Don't over wash the fish, it'll wash out the natural oil and blood which is the TRP of Hilsa.
Take the tender coconut and the coconut water in a blender and blend till it becomes smooth paste without any piece.
Now take a large bowl, add the tender coconut pate, curd, mustard paste, turmeric, salt & red chili powder and mix everything very well using a fork. Add the fish pieces and cover with the mixture, keep aside for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, take a flat pan, heat 2 tablespoons of mustard oil in it till it smokes. Temper the oil with green chilis & kalonji. Immidietly lower the heat, and pour the marinated fish carefully along with the mixture in the pan, add rest of 2 tablespoons of mustard oil, slited green chilis on it, cover the pan and let everything cook on low heat for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, turn off the gas, and keep as it is for another 10 minutes before serving.
If you want to make it in microwave, take a microwave safe glass bowl, preferably a flat utensil ( you canuse borocil), pour everything in to the bowl, add the raw mustard oil & sprinkle little kalonji on the top. Cover with a glass lid and micro cook on high for 5 minutes. Turn off the microwave and keep the bowl inside it for another 5 minutes as it is. Your Malai Ilish is ready.
Serve 'Malai Ilish' with hot steamed rice. Enjoy...
Serving Tips
Serve hot with plain steamed rice.
You may use black mustard seeds, it'll give this dish an extra pungent smell.
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