2 ingredients Pineapple Jam

Pineapple Jam
Jam/Jelly/Butter or any other spread, better to prepare at home. At least I do, As the store bought jam jelly has lots of preservatives, and don't know how many chemicals are in those bottles, and how pure the spread is. And trust me, making such fruit spreads are not very difficult, these need some fresh fruits, sugar and some time. Homemade spreads are easy to make and pure as well. Specially for kids. When they eat store bought spreads, you don't know how many chemicals are going inside their body in the name of real fruits, so if you know the process why to buy from stores, it's cheaper as well. In my childhood, my mom used to make fruit/vegetable jam in my childhood, as I was a fussy eater in my childhood. So why can't I? I can remember mom used to try almost everything at home. Making any preserve is therapeutic for me, I so love making them, and the spreadable jelly tastes so good on the hard bread toast. And among all kind of flavors, I and my kiddo love pineapple the most, because Pineapple is so flavorful fruit and the juice which comes from this fruit is so good, that you don't need much sugar to make the crystal kind of smooth Jam. Let's have a quick peek into the recipe..
And among all kind of flavors, I and my kiddo love pineapple the most, because Pineapple is so flavorful fruit and the juice which comes from this fruit is so good, that you don't need much sugar to make the crystal kind of smooth Jam. Let's have a quick peek into the recipe..
Ingredients for Pineapple Jam
Preperation steps for Pineapple Jam
Take the pineapple chunks into a grinder and grind to make a not-so-smooth puree; some chunks must be there.
Now take a nonstick pan and add the Pineapple puree, and the sugar. You need 1 cup of sugar for a normal-sized pineapple. So the ratio of Pineapple and sugar is 1:1.
Now, on low heat, let the pineapple and sugar mixture cook till the mixture comes together and looks like a stick-elastic kind of spread.
Let's check if the jam is ready or not.
Take a bowl of cold water and drop some mixture. If you can make a small ball out of the mixture, then your jam is ready. If you can't and the mixture mixes up into the water, then you need to cook for some more time, but don't cook for a long time, otherwise it won't be spreadable.
Now, if you find the jam is ready, leave it in the pan to cool down completely.
Now sterilize a glass bottle, pour the jam, close the lid, and keep it inside the refrigerator.
Whenever you want to use it, remove from refrigerator, spread on toast or cookies, and enjoy.
Enjoy the snaps
Serving Tips
Spread on toasts or cookies.
You can add few drops of white vinegar to keep the jam for long time. White vinegar works as preservatives.
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